Red Serpent Tantra School
Shamanic Erotic & Dark Arts Specialists
Empowering Soulbased Leaders & Pioneers
Red Serpent Tantra school is an international school created in the Holy lands of Israel and Palestine and offering global in person trainings and online services. A school with multiple lineages threaded together with the red thread - the erotic path of magic and introducing the black path of sacred BDSM and dark arts. Weaving the wisdom & transmission of the ancient temples of these lands, the tantric & yogic traditions of the east with modern BDSM & coaching consciousness. A unique arising of ancient shamanic wisdom with modern day expression.
We are a mystery school of fire, eros, wildness and freedom. Our work is sacred, magical, powerful & transformative. The serpent, Lillith, Innana, Kali and the red erotic thread are our guides, we are high heat, high alchemy and we love the dark. You will be challenged, pushed & stretched, you will not walk out the same as you walked in. If you want comfort, predictable and known then this is not for you.
We offer a radical, non-dual, deconditioned shamanic field where sacredness and service is at the centre. Living radical tantra and temple. Grounded in the non-dual recognition tantric path, acknowledging that we are divine and seeking to bring more of that divinity to life. Returning and centreing in the true self - the soul. Becoming a channel for life to flow through us into the temple and in service of others. Remembering the initatory Priesthood Path - the path of the temple devotee.
Our School centers around soul, power, transpersonal service and kundalini lifeforce current. Returning back to the initiatory nature of ancient mystery schools with a focus on the initiation of leaders & pioneers.
We offer unique initiations into;
Devotional transpersonal service,
Sexual liberation & power,
Kundalini awakening,
Radical tantric awakening,
True embodied power & life based leadership,
Temple mystery based living,
Group Soul & group field,
Sacred Whore - Shamanic erotic & dark arts initiation,
Dom for GodTM - Practitioner & leaders training. Shamanic Erotic & Dark arts service: sex, power & leadership immersion

Methodology & Lineage
Radical tantra: Awakening to true self though living ACTUAL radical discontinuity - shifts in reality, behaviour and patterns, working with taboos, breaking rules and finding liberation. From the Kaula lineage of radical and rapid awakening by embracing that which is generally denied, avoided or taboo.
Sexual Shamanism, Erotic & Temple Arts: Altered states of reality through shamanic rituals, prayer, dance, music, movement, sex magic, pleasure. Reading the shamanic field, accessing collective consciousness and wisdom. Living as a temple in deep attunement and response to life force.
Dark Arts - We are not a BDSM school however we embody and teach many of the principals foundational in the BDSM world. We share a love of intensity, a wide permission field, shameless pursuit of desire, sex & body positive, pain, pleasure, kink, radical self expression. Dark bodywork, intensity for healing & awakening; esteem play (shame/humiliation/degradation), sacred sadism, basic BDSM, PTP - presence through pain, power & leadership exploration.
Energy Mastery/Kundalini Activation: Awaken the prana, energy bodies & chakras, activation of kundalini in self, earth, serpent, dragon and void, maintaining and supporting embodied kundalini shakti. To be a fully embodied soul and penetrate your soul seed, core into the earth.
Eros as Medicine: HTP - Healing through Pleasure, activating, maintaining and vibrating eros, running eros through the field and seeker, self pleasure, erotic prayer
Sacred Touch & Dearmouring : Touching, meeting & awakening the soul through the layers of the body & flesh. Sacred spot, yoni/lingham touch, dearmouring - shamanic, energetic & physiological - full body including heart, genital, anal & mouth/throat
Expanding your channel: Expand your capacity to channel divinity, life, energies, eros, power, love. Releasing wounds & patterns that create contraction in the system
Group Soul: Exploring group soul vs group personality. We create a space where there's a living group soul, that the mystery is firmly planted at centre, the gaze is always there while simultaneously responding to what's alive and moving through the space. Where everyone has a space to expand into their most true and alive self.
Transpersonal/Soul based coaching: Moving your personality to the side, breaking open persona obstructions so you can really serve from your soul to their soul, beyond personality. Cultivate sharp skills of presence, accuracy, attunement and penetration.
True Power - Embodying true power, primal, free, vibrating from the earth's core & releasing all obstructions to this. How to maintain embodied power, to transmit your unique transmission into the world in full eros, power & love.
Space holding and creating: Reading, responding and keeping integrity of the shamanic field, facilitating sessions & temples
Dancing With The Devil - activating your fullest source of power, fire and accuracy of life force. The non-dual hunter of aliveness. Sharpening your sword of truth to hold a super tight and alive container
Wild Love - Extreme loving presence & action, 1 million shades of love from dark/death to light/angelic
Shapeshifting - expanding your archetypal range so you can be whoever your client/life needs you to be, giving transmissions of different energies
Endarkenment - awakening through the path of descent and accessing dark energies, archetypes and working with the lower chakras and underworld
Emerging leadership: Supporting & empowering those who are being called to lead, to take a stand and support other souls to awaken & remember the magic that we know in our deepest DNA. Working alongside the pioneers that are called to create spaces, land temples, launch schools to initiate and awaken souls - because they have found their freedom and their expression and their sacred whore, and power, and now are ready and wanting to bring this to life..


Louise Claire
Lead Facilitator
Louise Claire is a powerful & fierce teacher & leader. With bold, clear, no BS facilitation she gives an authentic transmission of the Sacred Dom, the Sexual Shaman & the erotic embodied Sacred Whore. An intuitive Witch, Mystic & Priest - specialising in helping people remember- remember the power of temple, the joy of deep service, how to serve in the erotic and dark arts and hold true, embodied power & leadership in these distracting & delusional times.
A Stand for
- Shamanism, animism & traditional modalities & lineages to stand on their own terms and not be westernised or psychologised.
- Real sovereignty, adulthood, sexual maturity, choice and responsibility.
- The transformative power of sexuality, kundalini, magic and the dark path.
- The reality that we can go beyond who and what we think we are and find new realms of existence and energy as devotees and in service to others and the temple.
As Co-creator of Red Serpent Tantra School - she is initiating & training Priests/Priestesses, Leaders & Pioneers, Sexual Shamans & Sacred Whores, & inspired by the Kuala tantra lineage creating spaces for radical awakening and sacred activism in Israel, Palestine & beyond.
Louise dances between devotion and darkness and offers a very real and tangible transmission of living radical tantra and magic. Her passion is creating wide permission spaces of non-duality & shamanic depth - BEYOND duality, separation, mind and story, beyond gender, sexual definitions and identities into fluidity, flow, transpersonal energy and unity consciousness.
With 20+ years immersion in embodiment, consciousness, spirituality and sexuality, her key gift is her connection and commitment to soul lead living, her sharp sword of truth and living in truth & integrity. She courageously lives and teaches the radical tantra path of rapid awakening by embracing that which is generally denied, avoided or taboo within society.
An International Teacher, deeply committed to making a stand for this work in the world. Intimacy & Sex Coach (Dip), Yin & Heart of Yoga Teacher, Mentor of Sacred Sexuality Practitioners & Facilitators, ISTA Practitioner graduate, BBS graduate. New Zealand born and living in Israel for the past years. Offering deep and powerful retreats, trainings, temples, initiations, apprenticeships, events and private programs for groups, individuals and couples.
“My deepest desire is for you to be completely turned on to who you truly are!! To be fully ALIVE, embodied and awake. To show up wildly, fiercely, vulnerably and powerfully in your own existence”.
Working with Fire - High Intensity
The school focuses on soul, spirit and radical awakening to the truth of who and what we really are - the recognition path. There is a level of aliveness, freedom, power and erotic liberation that is available that this work can awaken and connect us to. It’s the way of mystery and disconnecting from the mental, conditioned matrix and connecting to the deeper flow of ecstatic life force current. To feel the pre discursive reality, embrace and delight in the movement of shakti and the power of shiva presence.
Our school is for adults only!! It is built on a foundation of consent, self sovereignty, personal responsibility and real adulthood. You need to have a solid basis of self awareness, embodiment & self resourcing to begin with and strong boundaries and consent. For some bridging sessions/program may be required before joining a group event to ensure you have the skills and capacity to be in a more intense container.
This work is high heat, high alchemy, radical and transformative. WE are intentionally working with the edges, expanding, stretching and releasing. We work with penetrative energies and processes so you will be touched and possibly stirred up one way or another. You will not leave the same as when you arrived (and this is the point!) and you need to be in real consent to that transformation.
Resourcing, aftercare and integration will support you to pass through the initiation. However there is no way in school or in life to have 0 risk or to guarantee you will "feel good". With physical risk this is somewhat more predictable and easier to be prepared for, anticipate and avoid, it is also more tangible. Most bodies respond in similar ways to intensity - to movement, impact and stress. However we can not guarantee how your body will respond. You need to stay present and attuned to yourself and ask for what you need.
Emotional, energetic, egoic and spiritual impact is much harder to perceive and can be very unpredictable. You need to be willing to be with these impacts and possible discomfort. If you want emotional safety and assurance then this work is not for you, if you want to control and manage the emotional outcome then this is not for you.
We are accessing deeper realms of energetic and emotional movement and at times working with chaos. This doesn't tend to lead to a feeling of ease or “safety” as such and yet paradoxically the more comfortable and present we can become in these states of turmoil and chaos the more easeful and safer we end up feeling overall in the body. This is where true safety lies - the ability to stay present and embodied in intensive or chaotic states. The energetic and emotional aspects can keep unfolding for days/weeks after the container has finished.
Our intensive registration and screening process will help determine if our School is a fit for you and whether you may be better suited to a private program, sessions or bridging sessions rather than a group event.
- Thu, Feb 20Kerala Mountains, India
- Wed, May 21Southern France, Venue TBC
- Wed, Sep 24Samothraki